Cameroon Young Jurist Legal Resource Center

What We Do

Translating Laws into Actual Services for Women and Children

Our Activities

CYJULERC is working to promote women and children’s human rights, and the empowerment of marginalized communities in Cameroon. Our activities are focused on Women’s human rights, Children’s human rights, Community Empowerment and Advocacy. We also run a multi-media center, a Community Radio; and a processing unit to transform non-timber forest products so as to add value and increase income earned by farmers.

Women’s human rights

Though educated, CYJULERC members are focused on giving a voice to the voiceless and transforming lives in the rural communities, which is why they focused on fighting against female genital mutilation, breast ironing, girl child bondage, widowhood, child marriage etc. which are practiced in the most remote communities of Cameroon.


We promote economic empowerment of rural women; organizing community groups, promoting food security - providing training, technical and financial assistance on food crop productivity; promoting sustainable environmental protection – reforestation with non-timber forest products; creating cooperatives and organizing marketing. 

FGM Ayala

Children’s human rights

Our focus is on juvenile justice, child labour, child trafficking and slavery. We focus on capacity building of state and non-state actors like the judiciary, the law enforcement officers, the social workers and the civil society organizations. 


We carry out advocacy activities with the government, parliament, diplomatic agencies, inter-governmental organizations (IGOs) and other stakeholders for legal and policy reforms on issues affecting women, children and the community. We also promote collaboration between state and non-state actors.

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